Sometimes we read texts, emails, articles, and books in light of how we are feeling and attribute our perspective onto the words we are seeing. When we do this, we can truly misunderstand and misrepresent the intention of the writer. For example, read this statement, “I love you.” What do you think when you read that? How do you feel?
Usually, when I hear or read someone say that they love me I draw one of four conclusions. One, they really, genuinely love me and are concerned about my welfare. Two, they are nice people and are saying something nice to me. Perhaps they have love in their heart for me as a human, but not the kind of love a parent has for a child or a husband has for his wife. Three, they are simply full of baloney and are just saying something to be saying it. Four, they say it in a mocking way, when, in reality, they dislike me or even have disdain for me. Now, to be fair, in most instances, the first two are the true, proper conclusions to draw. Nevertheless, the latter two could be true in certain situations. Context and relationship seem to be the deciding factor as to ascertaining the intended meaning of the phrase, “I love you.”
Read this verse and think about how it makes you feel: Romans 5:8 But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us! The context of this statement surrounded Paul’s explanation of Christians’ justification in Christ. The Christian is declared “not guilty” when they turn in faith to Jesus Christ. Roman 5:1 Therefore, since we have been declared righteous by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Furthermore, Paul made the point that God’s love has been poured out in believers’ hearts through the Holy Spirit (vs. 5). In addition, he noted that even though the ungodly (which is all of us apart from saving faith in Christ) were totally helpless, Jesus died for them (us) at the appointed moment (vs 6). That appointed moment was described by Paul in Galatians 4 as the fullness of time coming together in the First Advent of Jesus. Now, with this context in mind, Paul’s statement that God loves us does not hang in thin air. God has demonstrated and proven His love for His people with real action. Furthermore, after 40 plus years of loving and following Jesus, I have a real, genuine personal relationship with Him. I am far from perfect and have numerous moments of need of God’s grace, but I cannot see myself ever denying God’s love for me in Christ. I cannot dream of a situation where I would deny my Lord and Savior. His words sound so true to me because of the relationship I have with Him.
As we enter February and start buying Valentine cards and gifts, let’s remember that words of love without context and relationship can sound hollow and even duplicitous. Therefore, let’s strive to build real relationships with people in our lives. Let’s strive to demonstrate our love for others with real, concrete acts of kindness and service. And as always, let’s remember and find our greatest joy and comfort in the love that God has demonstrated to us in real action in Christ.
I truly love you and am blessed beyond measure to be your pastor. Please contact me if I can help you. Happy Valentine’s Day and may God Bless You!!
Usually, when I hear or read someone say that they love me I draw one of four conclusions. One, they really, genuinely love me and are concerned about my welfare. Two, they are nice people and are saying something nice to me. Perhaps they have love in their heart for me as a human, but not the kind of love a parent has for a child or a husband has for his wife. Three, they are simply full of baloney and are just saying something to be saying it. Four, they say it in a mocking way, when, in reality, they dislike me or even have disdain for me. Now, to be fair, in most instances, the first two are the true, proper conclusions to draw. Nevertheless, the latter two could be true in certain situations. Context and relationship seem to be the deciding factor as to ascertaining the intended meaning of the phrase, “I love you.”
Read this verse and think about how it makes you feel: Romans 5:8 But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us! The context of this statement surrounded Paul’s explanation of Christians’ justification in Christ. The Christian is declared “not guilty” when they turn in faith to Jesus Christ. Roman 5:1 Therefore, since we have been declared righteous by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Furthermore, Paul made the point that God’s love has been poured out in believers’ hearts through the Holy Spirit (vs. 5). In addition, he noted that even though the ungodly (which is all of us apart from saving faith in Christ) were totally helpless, Jesus died for them (us) at the appointed moment (vs 6). That appointed moment was described by Paul in Galatians 4 as the fullness of time coming together in the First Advent of Jesus. Now, with this context in mind, Paul’s statement that God loves us does not hang in thin air. God has demonstrated and proven His love for His people with real action. Furthermore, after 40 plus years of loving and following Jesus, I have a real, genuine personal relationship with Him. I am far from perfect and have numerous moments of need of God’s grace, but I cannot see myself ever denying God’s love for me in Christ. I cannot dream of a situation where I would deny my Lord and Savior. His words sound so true to me because of the relationship I have with Him.
As we enter February and start buying Valentine cards and gifts, let’s remember that words of love without context and relationship can sound hollow and even duplicitous. Therefore, let’s strive to build real relationships with people in our lives. Let’s strive to demonstrate our love for others with real, concrete acts of kindness and service. And as always, let’s remember and find our greatest joy and comfort in the love that God has demonstrated to us in real action in Christ.
I truly love you and am blessed beyond measure to be your pastor. Please contact me if I can help you. Happy Valentine’s Day and may God Bless You!!
-Pastor Clint Miller