MARCH 2023


As we go through life, one thing we should learn is the value of good people and close friends. The world has a need for more good people, and we certainly have a need for more close friends. Another thing we need to learn as we grow older is that we should value those who we consider close friends because the unavoidable limits of biology often express themselves in inopportune times.

I had a great friend on Pine Island named Dr. Hugh Adams. Hugh was in his early 80s and I was in my late 30s. He had spent his working life in education, eventually becoming a college president. Before he entered academia, Hugh played football at Florida State and is in their Hall of Fame. However, despite these accomplishments, Dr. Adams was a very humble, gentle man. He was kind and gracious. Clinton and I went fishing with Hugh once in his boat. He bought Clinton a carton of Yoo-hoos and some snacks. Clinton drank all the Yoo-hoos in the first hour. Hugh bought bait and had the boat ready to go when we arrived. We had a great time. I’ll never forget that trip. However, one night I got a call from a church member saying that something was wrong with Mr. Hugh. I hurried to his house and found his wife crying. I knew what had happened. I’ll never forget what she said, “Pastor Clint, I told the paramedics that they had worked on a good man.” That was a true statement. I preached Hugh’s funeral with tremendous sad-ness in my heart. I still have a copy of his dissertation on my shelf that he had given to me to review in preparation for writing my own. I miss my friend, Dr. Hugh Adams.

One of the lasting memories I have of Hugh was his often quoting of Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky proclaims the work of His hands. As we enjoyed the day on the gulf, Hugh mentioned this verse multiple times. Psalm 19:1 will always be Dr. Hugh Adams’ verse to me.

I tell you this story to encourage you to do three things: One, learn Scripture and quote it often! We never know what impact God’s Word will have on others. Sadly, for many in this world, our quoting of Scripture may be the only Bible they ever hear. Two, be kind and gracious to people. Dr. Adams had every reason to be arrogant and haughty, yet I never experienced either of those attitudes from him. He was a true gentleman. The world is so full of pain and hurt, and so many people need some kindness in their lives. As God’s people, let’s be kind. Three, take time to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation. Whether it is a day on the boat or a simple walk to the mailbox, thank God for His monu-mental beauty displayed so vividly in creation.
-Pastor Clint Miller