APRIL 2023


We have all heard the saying, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” I, however, would like to amend it to say simply, “Time flies while you’re living.” Think about how quickly life goes by while we are living it. In my mind, I still think I am as young, strong, and trim as I was in my twenties and thirties. However, as soon as I try to run, or walk past a mirror, I am reminded that I am entering the last year of my forties.

God spoke to the temporary nature of this life multiple times in His Word. The Psalmist said in Psalm 103, “15 As for man, his days are like grass—he blooms like a flower of the field;16 when the wind passes over it, it vanishes, and its place is no longer known.”

These words are true. Other than close family and friends, for the vast majority of people who have ever lived on the earth, they will only be remembered for a generation or two after their death. John wrote these words in his first epistle: “And the world with its lust is passing away, but the one who does God’s will remains forever (1 John 2:17).”

When I think about the fact that I have more time in my rearview mirror than I have in my front windshield and about how quickly time has passed, I am encouraged to spend the rest of my days serving the Lord be-cause I know that each day I wake up I am one day closer to eternity with Him. We must fight against the passage of time being a source of discouragement and depression. The greatest tool I know to aid us in this fight is to remind ourselves daily of the reality of eternity in God’s presence through faith in Jesus Christ. We are not waiting to obtain eternal life. If we are in Christ, we have eternal life now! We should not view the passage of time as the removal of days to live, but, rather as the drawing closer of life in fullness.

Imagine how awesome it will be when we no longer hurt, cry, or feel sadness, guilt, and regret. Imagine how awesome it will be when we are in the presence of Almighty God in a similar fashion as Adam and Eve were in the Garden. Imagine how awesome it will be when temporal indicators no longer seem to matter because each moment will be one more infinite moment in the eternal now of the blessedness of God’s glory.

May you draw strength from the reality of eternity in God’s presence. May you draw strength from the reality of the risen Christ reigning in your hearts and lives now and forever. Thank you Jesus for being our risen Lord of Lords and King of Kings!
-Pastor Clint Miller