by Dr. Clint Miller on September 4th, 2024
Twenty years ago, I read a book titled Dawkins’ God: Genes, Memes, and the Meaning of Life, written by Alister McGrath, a Christian Apologist. Richard Dawkins was a famous atheist apologist, one of the so-called “Four Horsemen” of the new atheism. Dawkins is still alive physically, but perhaps not as prominent as he once was in the world of atheism. Some of Dawkins’ luster may have been lost when ...  Read More
by Dr. Clint Miller on August 1st, 2024
The dog days of summer have come upon us! Originally, the dog days of summer stem from Hellenistic astrology and the heliacal rising of Sirius, the dog star. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that Sirius’s dawn rising in the summer contributed to the extreme heat of the season. The name “Sirius” even stems from the Ancient Greek seírios, meaning “scorching.” The Egyptians used Sirius’s dawn r...  Read More
JULY 2024
by Dr. Clint Miller on July 28th, 2024
July has always been one of my favorite months for several reasons. One, it is my birthday month. This year I will celebrate a big one. I cannot believe I have become this old. The alternative, however, seems a bit premature at the moment. Two, my dad always bought fireworks to celebrate the Fourth. Usually, after shooting off all the fireworks, we would break out the shotguns. I’m not certain tha...  Read More
JUNE 2024
by Dr. Clint Miller on July 28th, 2024
Of all the realities in existence, two related ones are the most sobering to me: the brevity of life and the reality of death. We are not getting out of here alive! Throughout the centuries, death has been called the King of Terrors for good reason. The statistics on death are overwhelming—every one out of one person dies. Furthermore, the reality of the passing of time becomes more apparent the l...  Read More
MAY 2024
by Dr. Clint Miller on July 28th, 2024
I lived in a time when children went to school for nine months and had three months off during the summer. We usually got out of school after Memorial Day and returned to school sometime around Labor Day. Three full months away from school was a nice break. However, returning to school after a full summer break was a challenge. Nevertheless, this schedule made the month of May special because I as...  Read More
APRIL 2024
by PASTOR CLINT MILLER on April 1st, 2024
Growing up, I always heard the saying, “April showers bring may flowers.” As we enter the second quarter of 2024 already, let’s take a minute and think about what God said about flowers in His Word. For the most part, God used flowers in one of two ways. One, God used the beauty of flowers to assure His children that He would take care of us. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said in Matthew 6:28-...  Read More
MARCH 2024
by PASTOR CLINT MILLER on March 1st, 2024
God has always wanted His people to worship Him according to His Word and His Way. When God gave Moses instructions on the construction of the Tabernacle, God made sure that the people tasked with building the Tabernacle were also empowered to be faithful to His instructions. Exodus 35:30-35, 30 Moses then said to the Israelites: “Look, the Lord has ap-pointed by name Bezalel son of Uri, son of Hu...  Read More
by PASTOR CLINT MILLER on February 1st, 2024
When I think of February, I think of two things: cold weather and Valentine’s Day. I’m not a big fan of the former but do enjoy the latter. The Miller Family tries to have a nice family dinner date on Valentine’s Day. We don’t always get to make that happen, but that is the goal. As I check out the calendar, this year we will get to celebrate Valentine’s Day with you since it falls on a Wednesday....  Read More
by PASTOR CLINT MILLER on January 1st, 2024
New Year’s Day brings all sorts of emotions and excitement. This year is going to be the year we lose weight, read the Bible, save money, get out of debt, join the gym, or any other number of things. The reality is, however, often what we plan for the new year does not actually play out during the year. As we all learn from painful experience, life is full of uncertainty and unwanted reality. So, ...  Read More
by PASTOR CLINT MILLER on December 1st, 2023
Merry Christmas!!! I can’t believe I’m writing the December newsletter article. Christmas season is upon us. I hope all of you have the best Holiday Season ever. Mark your calendars for Christmas Eve, December 24, at 5:00PM. We will have a Candlelight Service and observe the Lord’s Supper. I thoroughly enjoy Christmas Eve services. I hope to see you this Christmas Eve. As we enter the Christmas Se...  Read More
by PASTOR CLINT MILLER on November 1st, 2023
A house is not the same thing as a home. We understand that distinction. One of the things that makes a house a home is the “stuff” in the home. We want and love our stuff! Some of the “stuff” the Millers love is the Fall decorations Ms. Tammy sets out each year. I love the way she decorates the house for every season. As we enter the Thanksgiving Season, let’s make a deliberate effort to acknowle...  Read More
by PASTOR CLINT MILLER on October 1st, 2023
I am writing the October 2023 newsletter article! Just saying that out loud as I type it grabs my attention. The anticipa-tion of summer feels like it was just a couple of weeks ago. Now, I am anticipating our week of winter. The saying “time flies when you’re having fun” is certainly true for me in 2023. What an amazing year so far. God has richly blessed Bethel Baptist Church during the first th...  Read More